czwartek, 29 marca 2018

winhttp proxy settings - registry

Based on this blog.

To distribute proxy settings for operating system and local system processes - it can be set by gpo:

Computer Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Registry

Action: UpdateReplace
Key path: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections
Value name: WinHTTPSettings
Value type: REG_BINARY
Value data: (You must prepare it from command line and just copy value)

How to prepare binary value? On machine with Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) - run cmd.exe in context of local administrator (run as administrator) and from command line provide command like for some bogus company:
(to avoid lost of setting - let view current setting)
netsh winhttp show proxy
(and finally set to - if it is really required - maybe Your current setting is previously set - set to anything that will be configured on machines through gpo)
netsh winhttp set proxy proxy1:8080 "10.*;192.168.*;"
During creation of setting in GPMC it will be filled up with this value

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