wtorek, 23 lipca 2024

Azure AD Connect - prevent mass deletion of groups

Again we have the same problem with deleted security groups (change in synchronized containers, one of them have groups synchronized - outside of project, but very, very important groups), so how can we counteract groups deletion?

Maybe I can export last runtime log?

Get-ADSyncRunProfileResult [-RunHistoryId ] [-ConnectorId ] [-RunProfileId ] [-RunNumber ] [-NumberRequested ] [-RunStepDetails] [-StepNumber ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []

Get-ADSyncRunStepResult [-RunHistoryId ] [-StepHistoryId ] [-First] [-StepNumber ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []

Invoke-ADSyncRunProfile -ConnectorName -RunProfileName [-Resume] []

So I must change default synchronization cycles to my own cycles using Invoke-ADSyncRunProfile with imports for and analysis of deletion - I must stop exports to Azure when deletion of groups appear in syncstep, but can I look for waiting deletion in connector space for Azure?

Is there any interface, API? Lithnet module for PowerShell?

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