wtorek, 25 czerwca 2024

how to find all placeholders in MV of Azure AD Connect?

Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect\Tools\AdSyncTools.psm1"


piątek, 21 czerwca 2024

0x80040e14 during Azure ADConnect upgrade

During upgrade Azure ADConnect to Entra AD Connect we've received 0x80040e14 error. At first we had an idea that it's connected with permission or communication limitation on firewall, after quick search possible reasons:
  • missing column
  • or not enough memory for sql

  • For us it's near not enough memory reason, but we have still SQL Express, so during upgrade there is no place for finishing upgrade (limit 10GB for database size). We must find if we have any not needed objects to remove them from Azure or to move to full SQL server.

    piątek, 31 maja 2024

    terminal services license types - tslic

    A02-5.00-S - Windows 2000 TS temporary or permanent CAL
    A02-5.02-S - Windows 2003 TS temporary or permanent CAT
    A02-5.00-EX - Windows 2000 TS CAL from the built-in pool
    C50-6.02-S - Windows 2012 or Windows 2012r2
    C50-6.00-S - Windows 2008 or Windows 2008r2
    C50-10.00-S - ?
    C50-10.01-S - ?
    C50-10.02-S - ?

    tsctst utility

    msTSLicenseVersion - 655360
    msTSLicenseVersion2 - 7
    msTSLicenseVersion3 - C50-10.00-S
    msTSLicenseVersion4 - (empty/null at my environment)
    msTSMangingLS - server with licensing service installed - source of license - like xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

    środa, 29 maja 2024

    default ttl dns records on Windows

    The 20 minute TTL is default with self update

    The default of 20 minutes - set by DWORD named DefaultRegistrationTTL in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters (the value should be in seconds). A reboot or ipconfig /registerdns.